Prof. Leonardo Longo

Leonardo Longo e’ un medico chirurgo, endocrinologo, ha insegnato Laser Chirurgia e Medicina presso la Scuola di Chirurgia Generale dell’Universita’ di Siena dal 1995 al 2011 e Laser Medicina e Chirurgia Estetica presso l’Universita’ degli Studi Biomedici di S.Marino e l’e.Campus University di Milano. Si occupa di laser in medicina e chirurgia dal 1976, laureandosi con una tesi sugli effetti istopatologici dei laser sui tessuti umani.

E’ stato Visiting Researcher Professor e Leading Lecturer all’Universita’ di Bethesda e Vanderbilt, USA, Czeske Budejovice, Kladno e Prague, Czech Rep, Vilnius (Lithuania), Warzaw (Poland),Sao Paulo (Brazil).

E’ Direttore scientifico dell’Istituto di Laser Medicina di Firenze (I.L.M.), Presidente fondatore dell’International Academy for Laser in Medicine and Surgery (IALMS), fellow di 28 Societa’ Scientifiche, Socio onorario di 5, Presidente della International Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine (ISLSM) dal 2005 al 2009 e 2017-2019 ed ora Presidente onorario,, e della International PhotoTherapy Association per il biennio 2008-2010, della World Federation of Societies for Laser Medicine and Surgery (WFSLMS) per il quadriennio 2013-2017, ora segretario a vita.

E’ responsabile dei Corsi di Aggiornamento sulla Laser Medicina e Chirurgia che si tengono in 95 Nazioni, per conto della WFLSMS. Il Professor Longo ha studiato e studia gli effetti biologici e chirurgici dei laser sui tessuti umani, specialmente su pelle, vene, sistema immunitario, muscoli, tendini, nervi e tessuto connettivo in genere, per la cicatrizzazione delle ferite e delle ulcere cutanee, il rimodellamento delle cicatrici ipertrofiche e dei cheloidi, nonche’ per gli effetti chirurgici di taglio e
coagulazione tissutale.

E’ contitolare di un brevetto sul trattamento laser delle cellule staminali adulte ed impiega sperimentalmente i laser per normalizzare la glicemia nel diabete di tipo 1 e 2 e per normalizzare il sistema immunitario nelle malattie croniche e degenerative, come l’AIDS, l’artrite reumatoide e molte altre. Impiega con successo i laser anche nel trattamento delle lesioni del midollo spinale e cerebrali post-trauma.

Il Professor Longo ha scritto oltre cento articoli scientifici pubblicati su
riviste internazionali, oltre 20 tra libri monografici e capitoli di trattati scientifici, circa 300 relazioni di Congressi, per la maggior parte internazionali, in oltre il 70% dei quali ha partecipato come relatore invitato e chairman.

Dal 1997 e’ Presidente del Congresso internazionale annuale Laser Florence Conference and Courses ed Editor di Laser Florence Proceedings, pubblicati da SPIE – Bellingham (USA) fino al 2005 e poi dall’American Institute of Physics, AIP, N.Y.

E’ nel comitato editoriale delle riviste scientifiche “Laser in Medical Science”, (co-editor) pubblicata da Springer – London, “LaserTherapy” (Editor-in-Chief, Pagepress), “Journal of Applied Biomedicine” (Czech Rep), “Acta Medica” (Czech Rep),
“Leadership Medica” (Cesil, Italy), “Dermatologic Therapy”, Blackwell Publishing, “Academy of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine” (Warzaw, Poland), Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, Medimond Publisher, USA.


Il Professor Longo ha scritto più di 100 articoli scientifici e 20 tra libri e capitoli di trattati.

Copertina del libro "Laser Manual"

Laser Manual

Lasers in Phlebology

Laser Therapy Journal

in the Brain


Handbook of Low-Level
Laser Therapy

Laser Physics Letter

A Window on the Laser Medicine World

6 volumi

Advances in Laserology

6 volumi

Nella sezione sottostante viene presentato l’elenco dettagliato degli articoli pubblicati su riviste scientifiche, interviste sui mass-media e trattati.

  1. Longo L Terapia laser in Algologia: Fattori fisici e biologici. Algos, I(1):36-39,1984
  2. Longo L Laserterapia in biostimolazione: trattamento delle ulcere cutanee .Riv. Pluridisciplinare Nuova Medicina, I(1):219-224,1983
  3. Longo L, Pagni F, Bernardini UD Flogosi del periapice dentale e laserterapia.Minerva Riflessologica e Laserter., II(1):21-25,1985
  4. Longo L, Cantelli G, Del Mese A Laser e Campi e.m. nell’anziano In Masera E Il rischio in chirurgia geriatrica Vol I parte II, Piccin ed.,Padova,1986
  5. Longo L Fattori fisici e biologici della stimolazione laser Aggiornamenti di elettromagnetomedicina,V,1984
  6. Longo L,Tinacci G, Evangelista S, Sesti AG Irradiation with laser 904 nm of experimental wounds Lasers in Surg.and Medicine,7:444- 447,1987 IMPACT FACTOR 2,2
  7. Longo L, Cionini L Terapia laser di metastasi cutanee papillomatose emorragiche Giorn. di Gerontol. e Geriatria, XXXIV(10):719-720,1986 (Comunicaz. al 31°Congr. Naz. Soc.Ital.Gerontol. e Geriatria,Messina,5/8 nov. 1986)
  8. Sesti AG, Longo L, Tinacci G Terapia laser delle ulcere cutanee: sintesi di 10 anni di esperienze ed effetti di due differenti dosaggi sulla cicatrizzazione di ferite sperimentali Giorn. di Gerontol. e Geriatria, XXXIV (10):717-718,1986 (Comunicaz. al 31° Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Gerontol. e Geriatria ,Messina,5/8 Nov. 1986)
  9. Sesti AG, Longo L, Tinacci G, Evangelista S Valutazione in doppio cieco degli effetti biologici del laser 904 nm sulla cicatrizzazione di ferite lineari sperimentali Giorn. di Gerontol., XXXIII(10):1011-1012,1985 (Comunicaz. 30° Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Gerontol. e Geriatria, Perugia, Nov. 1985)
  10. Graev M, Bonelli A, Longo L Marchio laser e marchio elettrico Quaderni Camerti di Medicina legale,IX(2):135-142,1987
  11. Colafranceschi M, Taddei GL, Santucci M, Tinacci G, Longo L, Marchionni M Gli effetti dell’ansa diatermica sulla cervice uterina in microscopia ottica e a scansione Screening in Oncologia,74-76,Firenze,1987
  12. Corcos L, Peruzzi GP, Romeo V, Carrà F, Longo L L’emorroidectomia chiusa con tecnica mista e laser CO2 Laser, I(1):2-5,1988 (italian and english edition).
  13. Colafranceschi M, Taddei GL, Santucci M,Tinacci G, Longo L, Mencaglia L Gli effetti della radiazione laser sulla cervice uterina in microscopia ottica ed elettronica a scansione Laser ,I(1):7-10,1988 (italian and english edition).
  14. Armino L, Fornari B, Longo L, Losito A Terapia laser nelle nevralgie post-episiotomiche Laser I(1):16-17,1988 (italian and english edition).
  15. Longo L,Tinacci G Terapia laser nella cicatrizzazione di ferite sperimentali Laser I(2):3-4,1988 (italian and english edition).
  16. Longo L,Tamburini A,Monti A,Cattaneo L,Sesti AG:Treatment with 904 and 10600 nm laser of acute lumbago:double blind control Laser I (3):16-20 (italian and english edition).
  17. Venturi M, Longo L Corrective and plastic surgery with CO2 laser in dentistry Laser I (3):20-21,1988 (italian and english edition).
  18. Corcos L, Longo L Classification and treatment of telangectases of the lower limbs Laser,I(3):22-28,1988 (italian and english edition).
  19. Corcos L, Longo L Combined laser and sclerotherapy for telangectases of the lower limbs Phlebology,4:51-53,1989 IMPACT FACTOR 1,9
  20. Frazzetta M, Palumbo FP, Bellisi M, Chiarelli G, Sutera V, Amico A, Longo L, Guccione A, Cortese LF Considerations regarding the use of the CO2 laser Laser II,Dec1989,4-5
  21. Frazzetta M, Palumbo FP, Rusignolo F, Guccione A, Longo L, Cortese LF Haemorroidectomy with CO2 laser Laser II,Dec 1989,2-3
  22. Longo L, Armino L, Frazzetta M Laser therapy in diffuse condilomata Laser II,Dec 1989,6-8
  23. Corcos L, Longo L, Peruzzi GP Laser CO2 in Proctology Video Review of Surgery,Barcelona 1994, 11:3, IMPACT FACTOR 1,8
  24. Longo L, Peruzzi GP, Durval A Tunable laser in La Peyronie’s disease:a therapeutic W and R Waidelich ed. Laser in Medicine 1989,Munchen,Springer-Verlag  1990,400-405  (Proceed.)
  25. Corcos L, Longo L Rational use of the Argon laser in telangectases of the lower limbs in W and R Waidelich,A Hofstetter ed. Laser  in Medicine 1989,Munchen,Springer-Verlag 1990,299-303 (Proceed.)
  26. Longo L ,Corcos L Lasers in phlebology.State of the art.Laser III,19-22,1990.
  27. Longo L, Corcos L CO2 defocused laser therapy in pathologic wounds healing in W and R Waidelich,A Hofstetter ed Laser in Medicine 1991,Munchen,1992,Springer-Verlag  1992  (Proceed.)
  28. Longo L, Corcos L The role of defocused lasers in normal and pathologic wound healing in M Bracale and F Denoth Medicon 92 Proceed. of the VI Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering,Capri,July 1992,Vol II,1257-60
  29. Corcos L, Longo L The role of lasers and sclerotherapy in the treatment of telangiectases J Dermatol. Surg Oncol , 1993,19:45-48
  30. Longo L, Clementi F CO2 laser treatment of calcific metaplasias in P.Spinelli,M Dal Fante,R Marchesini ed.Photodynamic therapy and Biomedical lasers, Excerpta Medica,Internat. Congress Series 1011, Elsevier Publisher, Amsterdam, 186-190,1993.
  31. Corcos L, Peruzzi GP, Romeo V, Longo L Proctological Surgery with CO2 laser Video-Review of Surgery, 1994, XI:3, 24-26 IMPACT FACTOR 2,6
  32. Longo L, Simunovic Z, Postiglione MG & M Laser therapy for fibromyositic rheumatism Laser Surgery and Medicine, 1996, 6 (Abs)
  33. Longo L, Simunovic Z ,Postiglione MG & M Laser therapy for fibromysitic rheumatism Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine and Surgery, 15(5):217-220, 1997 IMPACT FACTOR 2,3
  34. Longo L, Curti C, Mancini St, Postiglione M Treatment of La Peyronie’s disease with laser therapy  and surgery, associated with omotoxycological therapy, in W and R Waidelich,A Hofstetter ed Laser in Medicine 1997,Munchen,1997,Springer-Verlag 139(Proceed.)
  35. Longo L, Botta G, Corcos L, Dalmaso M, Mancini S Lasers in Phlebology/State of the art, in W and R Waidelich,A Hofstetter ed, Proceed 13th International Congress Laser in Medicine 1997, Munchen,1997, Springer-Verlag , 106-122
  36. Botta G, Dalle Monache G, Guasconi A, Longo L, Testi  W, Mancini S The surgical therapy for the lower limb varices in day surgery Ambulatory Surgery 4: 187-189, 1997
  37. Mester A., Longo L Experimental laser biostimulation of wound healing Proceed. 2nd Hungarian-Italian International Symposium on Soft Laser Therapy, Pecs, 33-35
  38. Longo L, Mester Present and future of  Laser Cicatrization Proceed. 2th   International Congress of World Association for Laser Therapy (WALT), Kansas City, 2-6th September, 1998
  39. Longo L, Mariani F, Botta G, Peruzzi GP, Laser therapy of sport injuries Proceed. 2th  International Congress of World Association for Laser Therapy (WALT), Kansas City, 2-6th September, 1998
  40.  Longo L., Mancini St, Peruzzi GP Diode Laser Treatment Of Induratio Penis Plastica: Advantages And Limitations Proceed. 2th  International Congress of World Association for Laser Therapy (WALT), Kansas City, 2-6th September, 1998
  41. Longo L., Khatri K., I laser in Medicina Estetica, La Medicina Estetica, 1999 Salus Ed,23(2):175-182
  42. Longo L, Khatri K Lasers in Aesthetic Medicine, La Nouvelle Estetique, 1999
  43. L. Longo, MD, A.L. Piccinetti,MD, G. Dalle Monache,MD, G. Botta, MD, S. Mancini, MD Laser Treatment Of Stretch Marks: Preliminary Results In Laser Florence 99: A Window on the Laser Medicine World, L. Longo, A. Hofstetter, ML Pascu, W. Waidelich Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 4166, 2000, 164-69
  44. L. Longo, MD, *Marco Postiglione, StMD, G. Botta, MD, S. Mancini, MD Is There A Best Wavelength For Laser  Treatment  Of Telangiectases? In Laser Florence 99: A Window on the Laser Medicine World, L. Longo, A. Hofstetter, ML Pascu, W. Waidelich Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 4166, 2000, 32-40
  45. L. Longo, MD, *M. Postiglione, MD New Post Laser Resurfacing Medical Treatment In Laser Florence 99: A Window on the Laser Medicine World, L. Longo, A. Hofstetter, ML Pascu, W. Waidelich Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol 4166, 2000, 159-64
  46. Longo L., I laser in Flebologia, 297-315, in CA Bartoletti, Medicina Estetica, Roma, 2000, Salus Publisher
  47. Longo L. Laser Phlebology, Proceedings SPIE Romopto 2000,
  48. Longo L, Marchi M, Postiglione M Comparison between two different types of lasers for fibromyositis treatment used on  different patients and on the same patients In Laser Florence 2000: A Window on the Laser Medicine World, L. Longo, A. Hofstetter, ML Pascu, W. Waidelich Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Washington, Vol 4606, 2000, 93-103
  49. Longo L ,Mancini St, Postiglione M IPP and laser:a review  In  Laser Florence 2000: A Window on the Laser Medicine World, L. Longo, A. Hofstetter, ML Pascu, W. Waidelich Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Washington, Vol 4903, 2001, 166-74
  50. Longo L, Postiglione MG, Marangoni O, Melato M, Two-years follow up results of Copper Bromide Laser Treatment of Striae, Journal of Clinical Laser Med. Surg, Vol 21 number 3, 2003, 157-60, Mary Ann Liebert Publ, USA IMPACT FACTOR 2,3
  51. L. Longo, R. Lubart, H. Friedman and R. Lavie A Possible Mechanism For Visible Light-Induced Skin Rejuvenation , Laser Florence 2003 in L. Longo, A. Hofstetter, ML Pascu, W. Waidelich Editors, Proceedings of SPIE, Washington, Vol 4606, 2003, 93-103
  52. K.R. Byrnes, L. Barna, V. M. Chenault, R.W. Waynant, I.K. Ilev, L.Longo, Clelia Miracco, B,Johnson, J.J. Anders Photobiomodulation Improves Cutaneous Wound Healing In An Animal Model Of Type Ii Diabetes, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 22:4, 2004, 291-300 IMPACT FACTOR 2,3
  53. Longo L. The role of laser  in diabetes management, in R. Waynant and D. Tata Editors, Proceedings of Light-Activated Tissue Regeneration and Therapy Conference, Springer NY, 2008, 215-221
  54. Anders JJ, Romanczyk TB, Ilev IK, Moges H, Longo L, Wu X, Waynant RW Light support neurite outgrowth of human neural progenitor cells in vitro: the role of P2Y receptors, IEEE Publisher, Jan-Feb 2008, Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics , 2008 , 14(1): 118-125 IMPACT FACTOR 18,2
  55. Longo L Laser Videoscope And Sclerotherapy Of Telangiectases, Polish Journal of Surgery, Dec 2008 IMPACT FACTOR 2,9
  56. Longo L, Postiglione M, Gabellini M, Longo D Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) treated with Low Level Laser Therapy: a case report, In Laser Florence 2008: A bridge to the Laser Medicine World, L. Longo Editor, Proceedings of American Institute of Physics Publ., Melville N.Y., Vol 1142, 2009, 96-99
  57. Longo L, Postiglione M, Buccioni T, Longo D Diabetes Mellitus type 1: a case report In Laser Florence 2008: A bridge to the Laser Medicine World, L. Longo Editor, Proceedings of American Institute of Physics Publ., Melville N.Y., Vol 1142, 2009, 92-95
  58. Longo L.  Non Surgical Laser and Light in the treatment of chronic diseases, Laser Physics Letters, 7, No  11, 2010, 771-786 Wiley Publisher, IMPACT FACTOR 5,777
  59. A. Lauto1, D. Mawad, M. Barton, S.C. Piller and L. Longo CHITOSAN ADHESIVE FILMS FOR PHOTOCHEMICAL TISSUE BONDING Advances in Laserology, Seklected Papers of Laser Florence 2010 Congress, AIP Publ, Bellingham, 2010
  60. A. Lauto, M. Mnatsakanyan,S. Piller, D. Mawad, L. Longo, P. Boughton Fabrication Of Adhesive Bioglass/Polyester Scaffolds For Spinal Disk Defects Advances in Laserology, Seklected Papers of Laser Florence 2010 Congress, AIP Publ, Bellingham, 2011
  61. Antonio Lauto, Marcus Stoodley, Matthew Barton, John W. Morley, David A. Mahns, Leonardo Longo, Damia Mawad, Fabrication and Application of Rose Bengal-chitosan Films in Laser Tissue Repair , JOVA2012 Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2012, e4158, Page 1 of 5 Video Article
  62. Barton M*, Piller SC, Mahns DA, Morley JW, Mawad D, Longo L and Lauto A Cytotoxicity Assessment of Rose Bengal-Chitosan Films for Photochemical Tissue Bonding Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, November 2012, J. Wiley-Blackwell Publisher
  63. L. Longo, MD, F. Giubilo, MD, C. Romanelli, MD, D. Longo, PT Laser And Physical Therapy Applied To Traumatic
    Central Nervous System Injuries: Update Advances in Laserology, Selected Papers of Laser Florence 2013 Congress,
    Medimond Publisher, Bologna, 2013 
  64. L. Longo, F. Marini, C. Consagra, G.Bastianelli Low Level Diode Laser Therapy In A Series Of Italian Patients With
    Chronic Rhinosinusitis Advances in Laserology, Selected Papers of Laser Florence 2015 Congress, Medimond Publisher,
    Bologna, 2015
  65. L. Longo Non Surgical Laser and Light in the Treatment of Central and Peripheral Nervous System Injuries, Guest
    Editorial, Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, Vol 35, 4, 181-183, 2017
  66. Diego Longo, Leonardo Longo, Paolo Lippi, Giulio Cherubini, Vanessa Mangé
    Effects of laser therapy and Grimaldi’s muscle shortening manoeuvre on motor control of subjects with incomplete
    spinal cord injuries Laser Therapy, Vol 26, 203-209, 3, 2017
  67. Ashour Sliow Zhi Ma Gaetano Gargiulo David Mahns Damia Mawad Paul Breen Marcus Stoodley
    Jessica Houang Rhiannon Kuchel Giuseppe C. Tettamanzi Richard D. Tilley Samuel J. Frost John
    Morley Leonardo Longo Antonio Lauto Stimulation and Repair of Peripheral Nerves Using Bioadhesive
    Graft-Antenna Advanced Science, June 5, 2019, Vol 6, Issue 11
  1. Longo L, Marsiglia R Appunti di Ginecologia e Ostetricia, L.U.M. ed,Firenze,1981
  2. Italian translation and adjurnement of the book The Biomedical Laser, Leon Goldman ed., Springer-Verlag Publisher, N.Y. 1981 (italian publisher   Pluridimensione,Bologna,1984)
  3. Longo L Terapia Laser, U.S.E.S. ed., Firenze, 1986
  4. Italian translation and adjurnement of the book Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine, MSJ Pathy ed,J  Wiley Publisher,London 1986 (ed. italiana U.S.E.S.,Firenze,1988)
  5. Editor-in-Chief of LASER , six months periodical magazine, from 1988 til 1993.
  6. Longo L Usi ed abusi dei laser in medicina,in Toscana Medica,ed Ordine dei Medici della Toscana,Firenze,Marzo 1990,VIII(3):23-24
  7. Longo L in D. Banta and I. Schou Lasers in Health Care.Effectiveness,Cost-Effectiveness and Policy Implications,Part III,W.H.O. Acad. Publishing,1991  February,Fredericksberg  C,Denmark
  8. Longo L Tecnologia Laser in Medicina.Principali indicazioni.In Toscana Medica, ed Ordine dei Medici della Toscana,Firenze,1991
  9. Longo L I lasers nella Chirurgia plastica dermatologica.In Toscana Medica,ed Ordine dei Medici della Toscana, Firenze, 1992
  10. Longo L I lasers in flebologia in Mancini S Trattato italiano di flebologia UTET ed, Turin, 2000
  11. Longo L I laser in Chirurgia Plastica Dermatologica Il Giornale dell’ENPAM, Organo ufficiale FNOMCeO, 1997
  12. Longo L., Laser Phlebology and Lymphology, in  Z. Simunovic Editor Lasers in Medicine and Dentistry, Vitagraf Publisher, Rijeka, Croatia, 2000
  13. Longo L, Medical laser  technology: new  technique or  new specialization? In Global Photonics Applications & Technology World Markets Research Centre,, London 2001
  14. 1. Longo L, Postiglione LASERS the applications continue to emerge In Private Hospital Healthcare Europe 2002, Campden Publishing Ltd., London 2002, 217-18
  15. Longo L. La Sindrome del Caro Collega, Toscana Medica, Gennaio 2004
  16. Longo L, Hofstetter A, Pascu ML, Waidelich W : Laser Florence   Proceedings 1999,2000,2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 SPIE Publisher, Progress in Biomedicine Volumes, Bellingham, USA
  17. Longo L I progressi della tecnologia medica laser, Leadership Medica Journal, Italian/English edition,Anno XX, n. 07, 2004 , Cesil Edizioni,
  18. Longo L Laser Treatment of the Diabetes In Private Hospital Healthcare Europe 2006, Campden Publishing Ltd., London 2006, 217-18
  19. Longo L Lasers and Pulsed light in Aesthetic Medicine , In L. Navratil , Laser book, Prague, in press
  20. Marangoni O, Longo L Lasers in Phlebology, IALMS publisher, 2006
  21. L. Longo Laser in Surgery, In Hospital Healthcare Europe 2007, Campden Publishing Ltd., London 2007
  22. L. Longo, Indicazioni non chirurgiche dei laser in flebologia, in Mancini S Compendio di Flebologia, Laris Publisher, Siena, 2009
  23. L. Longo Editor, Advances in Laserology – Selected Paper  presented in Laser Florence 2007,2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 American Institute of Physics Publisher
  24. L. Longo, MD, D. Longo, PT Laser And Physical Therapy Applied To Traumatic Central Nervous System Injuries:
    in Handbook of Low Level Laser Therapy, M. Hamblin, M V. Pires De Sousa, T Agrawal Editors, 977-89, 2017,
    Stamford Publisher
  25. L. Longo, MD Non Surgical Laser Therapy for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, in Handbook of Low Level Laser
    Therapy, M. Hamblin, M V. Pires De Sousa, T Agrawal Editors,953-976, Stamford Publisher, 2017
  26. L. Longo, Non Surgical Laser in Aesthetic Medicine , H. Teixeira Editor, Laser in Medicine and Surgery, Porto, 2017
  27. L. Longo, MD , Laser treatment of central nervous system injuries: an update and prospects,Chapter 41 in
    Photobiomodulation in the brain, M. Hamblin and Y.Y. Huang Editors, Elsevier Publisher, 2019
  • 1998 Laser in medicina e chirurgia, by Elisa Manacorda , Anna Bella, Rizzoli edizioni 1997. Rete mia TV, “Il salotto di Guido Angeli”
  • 1997 – 1998 – 1999 . Italia 7 TV, “Salute e benessere” 2000 TG RAI tre TV
  • 2001 TG RAI TV, press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers 2002 TG RAI TV, press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers
  • 2003 TG RAI TV,Canale 10,  press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers, “Il Sole 24 ore- speciale salute”, Newsweek “Panorama”
  • 2004 TG RAI TV,Canale 10,  Odeon TV, press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers, “Il Sole 24 ore- speciale salute”, Boston Express
  • 2005 World Press Conference via satellite organized by the United State Govern   between   the USA Consulat in Florence and the USHUS Bethesda on the Laser Treatment of the stem cells, procedure patented by L.Longo, J.Anders, R. Waynant, I. Ilev, T Romanczyk
  • 2006 TG RAI TV, press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers, SKY, MEDIASET
  • 2007 TG RAI TV, press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers, SKY, MEDIASET
  • 2008 TG RAI TV, press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers, SKY, MEDIASET
  • 2009 TG RAI TV, press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers, SKY, MEDIASET, “Panorama” 2010 TG RAI TV, press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers, SKY, MEDIASET
  • 2011 TG RAI TV, press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers, SKY, MEDIASET
  • 2012 TG RAI TV, press agencies ANSA, ADN-Kronos, Reuter, all Italian newspapers, SKY, MEDIASET
  • 2016 April 2 Interviews on Gossip Show “Le Iene”, Mediaset
  • 2018 December Italia Medica, Italia 7, ABC Globe Brazil, Thailand TV
  • 2019 October, International Award for the Culture, Vissi l’Arte Association, Alcamo
  • 2019 December, Melvin Jones Award, Lions Club Firenze Stibbert
  • 2020 RAI 3 TGR Medicina
  • 2021 La Nazione- Il Resto del Carlino – Il Giorno
  • 2022 La Nazione
  • Associated Editor of peer journal Lasers in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, from 2004, Associate Editor from 2011
  • Editorial Board Advisor of peer journal Laser Therapy, JMLL Publisher, Tokyo, from 2004
  • Co-Editor Laser Florence Proceedings, SPIE publisher, from 1999 until 2004
  • Editor Laser Florence Proceedings, Librux Publisher, Prague, 2007
  • Editor Laser Florence Proceedings, American Institute of Physics Publisher, from 2008 until today
  • Editorial Board Advisor of peer journal Dermatologic Therapy, Blackwell Publishing, from 2008
  • Editorial Board Advisor of peer journal Journal of Applied Biomedicine, Czeske Budejovice Univ. Publisher form the year 2003
  • Editorial Board Advisor of peer journal Acta Medica, Charles University Prague Publisher, from 2008
  • Editorial Board Advisor of journal Academy of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine, Polish Medical Society Publ., Warzaw, from 2008
  • Editorial Board Advisor of peer journal Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, Mary Ann Liebert Publisher, USA, from 2016
  • Editor in Chief, Laser Therapy Journal, 2022, PagePress Publisher, Italy
  1. Sesti AG, Longo L, Turchi R Laser Terapia delle ulcere cutanee Corso di aggiornamento in Angiologia, Firenze,8 – 12 Giugno 1982,Abs pg 134
  2. Sesti AG, Taddei GL, Colafranceschi M, Meli A, Maggi CA, Longo L, Turchi R, Bilotta-Lombardi G, Bencini E   Sviluppi delle tecnologie laser in biostimolazione:risultati sperimentali e clinici Congr. Internaz. delle Società Geriatriche, Ancona,5 – 12 Settembre 1982
  3. Taddei GL, Colafranceschi M, Meli A, Maggi CA, Longo L, Turchi R, Bilotta-Lombardi G, Bencini E, Sesti AG Confronto statistico- clinico e sperimentazione su ratti con vari tipi di laser a vari parametri Riunione operativa CNR sul Progetto finalizzato “Laser di potenza – Sottoprogetto Applicazioni Mediche”,Firenze,31 Genn/2 Febbraio 1983, Abs pg FT/15
  4. Longo L Terapia antalgica tramite biostimolazione laser: considerazioni preliminari III Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Laserch. e Med.,Milano,23 – 25 Maggio 1983, Abs pg 31
  5. Longo L Laser terapia nelle ulcere da decubito I° Congr. Internaz. di Laser Terapia Medica,Modena,17-19 Giugno 1983 (Invited)
  6. Longo L Fattori fisici e biologici della stimolazione laser V° Corso di aggiornamento della Soc. Ital. di Magneto-Medicina,Montecatini,19 Maggio 1984 (Invited)
  7. Longo L, Bernardini UD Terapia laser nella Nevralgia del Trigemino:considerazioni preliminari Congr. Naz. Associaz. Ital. per lo Studio del Dolore (AISD),Verona,Maggio 1985
  8. Sesti AG, Longo L, Tinacci G, Evangelista S Valutazione in doppio cieco degli effetti biologici del laser 904 nm sulla cicatrizzazione di ferite lineari sperimentali 30° Congr.Naz. Soc. Ital. Gerontol. e Geriatria, Perugia,Ottobre 1985 (Invited)
  9. Longo L I laser in Medicina e Chirurgia Conferenza d’Aggiornamento,Ordine dei Medici di Firenze,1/4/1987 (Invited)
  10. Longo L, Tamburini A, Monti A, Cattaneo Laser Therapy 904 and 10600 nm for the acute articular blocks:control in a double blind Proceed. 7th Congr. of the International Soc. for Laser Surgery and Med.,Munich,D,22/26 June 1987,page 16
  11. Bastianelli G, Maida M, Longo L Laser in Otology:first personal experience. 1st Internat. Meeting for the Mediterranean Countries Rosa Marina (Brindisi) I ,13 June 1987,pg 77
  12. Longo L, Armino L Terapia laser nella Nevralgia post-episiotomia Congr. Naz. AISD,Torino,Maggio 1987
  13. Longo  L Terapia  laser  nella  patologia  dell’apparato  locomotore  nella  traumatologia  sportiva Incontri  di  Aggiornamento F.I.M.M.G.,Rimini,18/9/1987  (Invited)
  14. Longo L I laser in flebologia IV Congr.Naz.Ass.Ital. Medici Flebologi, Rosa Marina,(BR),22-26 Settembre 1987 (Invited)
  15. Longo L Laser in flebologia:vantaggi e limiti  II° Congr. Internaz. Soc. Ital.di Flebo-linfologia,Ferrara,I,20-23 Aprile 1988,Abs Salus ed.,Roma (Invited)
  16. Corcos  L,  Longo  L Laser  scleroterapia  combinata  delle  teleangectasie  degli  arti  inferiori II°  Congr.  Internaz.  Soc.  Ital.  di Flebolinfologia,Ferrara,I,20-23 Aprile 1988,Abs Salus ed,Roma (Invited)
  17. Longo   L,   Corcos   L Fotocoagulazione   laser   degli   angiomi:tecniche   a   confronto II°   Congr.Internaz.   Soc.   Ital.   di Flebolinfologia,Ferrara,I,20-23 Aprile 1988,Abs Salus ed,Roma (Invited)
  18. Longo Cicatrizzazione con laser 904 nm:importanza del dosaggio di radiazione  Congr. Naz. Soc. Internaz. di Laser Terapia Medico- Chirurgica,Bardolino(VR),30 Sett/1 Ottobre 1988 (Invited)
  19. Longo L Les Lasers en phlebologie Ier Congrès Mondiale de la Société Suisse de Laser Therapie,Crans Montana,CH,13-16 Avril 1989 (Invited)
  20. Longo l, Peruzzi GP, Durval Tunable laser in La Peyronie’s disease:a therapeutic purpose  9th Internat. Congr. and Internat. Trade Fair,Laser ’89,Munchen,D,5-9 Juni 1989,Abs 104
  21. Corcos L, Longo Rational use of the Argon laser in teleangiectases of the lower limbs  9th Internat. Congr. Laser ’89,Munchen,D,5-9 June 1989,Abs pg 138
  22. Longo Teleangectasie e laserterapia  Giornate flebologiche Algheresi,I° Incontro Sardo-Catalano di Flebologia,Alghero(SS),21-24 Giugno 1989 (Invited)
  23. Longo L Terapia delle ulcere cutanee con laser 2° Conv. Naz. su “IL laser nel dolore dell’anziano”,Pio Albergo Trivulzio,Milano,30 Sett. – 1 Ottobre 1989 (Invited)
  24. Longo L,,Corcos L,Peruzzi GP  Lasers in phlebology  Optronic techniques in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine,Florence Optronics, Meeting on Optoelectronic Research, March 26-27,1990
  25. Longo L, Peruzzi GP  Laser treatment in La Peyronie’s disease  Florence Optronics, Meeting on Optoelectronic Research, March 26- 27,1990
  26. Corcos L, Longo L, Peruzzi GP, Romeo V Haemorroidectomy with CO2 laser Florence Optronics,Meeting on Optoelectronic Research, March 26-27,1990
  27. Longo  L,  Corcos  L Fotocoagulazione  laser  delle  teleangectasie:vantaggi  limiti 7°  Congr.  Naz.  Soc.  Ital.  di  Laser  Chir.  e Medicina,Rimini,10-11 Nov. 1989
  28. Longo L ,Peruzzi GP  Ruolo dei lasers nella malattia di La Peyronie 7° Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. di Laser Chirur. e Med.,Rimini,10-11 Nov. 1989
  29. Corcos L, Peruzzi GP, Romeo V, Longo L   La chirurgia proctologica con il laser CO2   Corso di Aggiornamento permanente su “Anastomosi e suture”,Repubblica di S. Marino,4-6 Sett. 1990,13
  30. Longo L, Corcos L I lasers in flebolinfologia I° Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. di Flebolinfologia,Cortona.13-14 Sett. 1990.abs pg 130 (Invited)
  31. Corcos  L,  Longo  L Teleangectasie  degli  arti  inferiori:impieghi  limiti  del  laser  ad  Argon I°  Congr.  Naz.  Soc.  Ital. Flebolinfologia,Cortona,13-14 Sett. 1990,abs. pg.106 (Invited)
  32. Corcos L, Longo L, Peruzzi GP CO2 laser in Proctology Proceed. 5th Internat. Congr. of ELA,Graz,A,Nov. 8-10 1990 (Invited)
  33. Longo L, Peruzzi GP Laser treatment in La Peyronie’s disease Proceed. 5th Internat. Congr.of ELA,Nov. 8-10 1990 (Invited)
  34. Longo L, Corcos L Lasers in phlebology Proceed. 5th Internat. Congr. of ELA,Nov. 1990 (Invited)
  35. Longo Laser terapia in flebologia:vantaggi e limiti   Meeting di Aggiornamento in Flebologia ambulatoriale ed estetica,Arezzo,11-12 Maggio 1991 (Invited)
  36. Longo L, Clementi F Terapia laser nelle periartriti calcifiche Congr. AISD,Chieti,5 Luglio 1991
  37. Corcos L, Peruzzi GP, Romeo V, Longo L La chirurgia proctologica con laser CO2 III° Internat. Congr. of phlebo-lymphology,Ferrara-S. Marino,18-21 Sett. 1991
  38. Longo  L   Ruolo  dei lasers defocalizzati nella  cicatrizzazione  normale  e  patologica   9° Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. di Laser  Chir. e Med.,Roma,21-23 Nov. 1991,abs pg 140 (Invited)
  39. Longo L,Venturi M  Laser terapia post-avulsione dell’VIII dente incluso  9° Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. di Laser Chir. e Med.,Roma,21-23 Nov. 1991,abs pg145 (Invited)
  40. Longo L, Clementi F Terapia laser CO2 nelle metaplasie calcifiche 9° Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. Laser Chirur. e Med.,abs pg 147 (Invited)
  41. Longo L, Greco C, Donnini Liposuzione laser-assistita:risultati preliminari   XVI  Congr. Naz. Soc.Ital. di Medicina Estetica,Roma,7-9 Aprile 1995
  42. Longo L, Corcos L Laserscleroterapia delle teleangectasie XVI Congr. Naz. Soc. Ital. di Medicina Estetica, Roma,7-9 Aprile 1995
  43. Longo L, Greco C, Donnini L Laser-Assisted Liposuction:preliminary results Lasermed 95,Munich,12° International Congress of Laser Medicine and Surgery, June,21-23,1995, abs in Laser Medizin,G. Fischer publ.,11(2):97
  44. Longo L Lasers in Flebologia Incontri di Aggiornamento E.M.L.A.1995.Firenze,6/5/95
  45. Longo L Laser nelle telangectasie Seminario Interuniversitario di chirurgia del volto,Università degli studi di Firenze,Cattedra di Chirurgia Plastica (Dir. Prof. D. Lorusso) Firenze,30-31 Marzo 1995 (Invited)
  46. Longo La funzione valvolare venosa:diagnostica diretta ed indiretta, implicazioni terapeutiche medico-chirurgiche ”  Conv. Soc. Ital. Flebolinfologia, Firenze,19 /6/ 93
  47. Longo  L ”  L’inquadramento  del  sovrappeso  le  strategie  terapeutiche  ” Conv.  Soc.  Europea  per  la  ricerca  in  medicina  e nutrizione,Firenze,1 ottobre 1994
  48. Longo L Indicazioni mediche o chirurgiche nelle vasculopatie ”  Conv. Soc. Ital. Patologia Vascolare e  Soc. Ital.di Microcircolazione, Firenze, 2-3 ottobre 1993
  49. Longo L Ruolo dei lasers nel trattamento delle teleangectasie   11° Incontro di Medicina estetica Ospedale Civile Città di Ortona, Ortona,8-11 Settembre 1995
  50. Longo L Laserchirurgia dei tatuaggi Seminario Interuniversitario di Chirurgia Plastica – Università di Firenze, Cattedra di Chirurgia Plastica (Dir. Prof. D. Lorusso), Firenze,29 Febbraio-1 Marzo 1996
  51. Longo L, Simunovic Z, Postiglione  MG e P Laser theraphy for fibromyositic rheumatism 16° Congress of American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando,Florida (USA),14/17 Aprile 1996
  52. Attending  at the Corso sul Laser CO2 ultrapulse nella chirurgia estetica delle palpebre e del viso(Dir. Prof. R. Brancato),,Ospedale S. Raffaele,Milano,1996,22-23  Marzo
  53. Attending at the Course on Cosmetic Laser Surgery (Director Prof. R. Gregory), organized from American Society for Laser in Medicine and Surgery c/o Florida Kennessee Hospital, Orlando,(USA), 1996, 13 aprile
  54. Longo L I lasers in chirurgia ambulatoriale Lettura Magistrale II° Convegno di Aggiornamento Permanente della Società Polispecialistica Italiana dei Giovani Chirurghi, Chieti, 17 Maggio 1996
  55. Longo  LLaser  chirurgia  degli  angiomi  1°  International  Simposium  and  1°  National  Unifyied  Meeting  of  Italian  Society  of Phlebolymphology and Italian society of Phlebologi, Siena , 23-25 September 1996, abs. 107
  56. Longo L Videocapillaroscopia laser nel trattamento delle telangiectasie 1° International Simposium and 1° National Unifyied Meeting of Italian Society of Phlebolymphology and Italian society of Phlebologi, Siena , 23-25 September 1996, abs. 108
  57. Corcos L, Longo L, De Anna D La chirurgia proctologica con laser CO2 1° International Simposium and 1° National Unifyied Meeting of Italian Society of Phlebolymphology and Italian society of Phlebologi, Siena , 23-25 September 1996, abs. 49
  58. Corcos L, Longo L, De Anna D. Laser-scleroterapia combinata delle telangiectasie 1° International Simposium and 1° National Unifyied Meeting of Italian Society of Phlebolymphology and Italian Society of Phlebology, Siena , 23-25 September 1996, abs. 50
  59. Chairman 3a  Session of Oral Presentations  1st International Simposium  and  1st National Unifyied Meeting of Italian  Society  of Phlebolymphology and Italian Society of Phlebology, Siena , 23-25 September 1996
  60. Longo L, Botta G, Dal Maso M, Mancini S Therapeutic Laser Videocapillaroscope for the telangiectases 17th Congress of American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Phoenix, 1997, 3-6 April, abs on Laser Surgery and Medicine
  61. Longo L, Mazza E, Curti C, Mancini ST Laser treatment of La Peyronie’s Disease 17th Congress of American Society for Laser Medicine and surgery, Phoenix, 1997, 3-6 April, abs on Laser Surgery and Medicine
  62. Longo L, Curti C, Mancini St, Postiglione M Treatment of La Peyronie’s disease with laser therapy and surgery, associated with omotoxycological therapy, in W and R Waidelich,A Hofstetter ed Laser in Medicine 1997,Munchen,1997,Springer-Verlag, abs 139
  63. Longo L, Botta G, Corcos L, Dalmaso M, Mancini S Lasers in Phlebology/State of the art, in W and R Waidelich, A Hofstetter ed Laser in Medicine 1997,Munchen,1997,Springer-Verlag, abs 91
  64. Longo L, Mancini St, Postiglione M Laser Therapy of La Peyronie’s Syndrome: a review 5th EMLA International Congress, Firenze,1997, 18-20 September, Abs 18
  65. Longo L Laser treatment of angiomas 5th EMLA International Congress, Firenze,1997, 18-20 September, Abs 53
  66. Longo L, Botta G, Dal Maso M, Mancini S Laser treatment of telangiectases: when, how and why? 5th EMLA International Congress, Firenze,1997, 18-20 September, Abs 61
  67. Corcos L, Longo L Proctological Surgery with and without Carbon Dioxide laser Comparison in 978 cases 5th  EMLA International Congress, Firenze,1997, 18-20 September, Abs 64
  68. Longo L, Botta G, Dal Maso M, Corcos L Laser Videoscopy and Sclerotherapy of Telangiectases 18th Congress of American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, San Diego, 1998, 5-7 April, abs on Laser Surgery and Medicine, 302
  69. Longo L, Mancini St, Postiglione M Diode Laser Therapy of Induratio Penis Plastica  18th  Congress of American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, San Diego, 1998, 5-7 April, abs on Laser Surgery and Medicine, 303
  70. Mester A, Longo L Experimental Laser Biostimulation of Wound Healing II Hungarian-Italian Symposium on Soft Laser Therapy, Pecs (H), 26-28 April, 1998, 33-35
  71. Longo L, Corcos L Laser Treatment of Telangiectases: state of the art 6th    International congress of the European Medical Laser Association, Bucharest, 3-5 June, 1998, 4
  72. Longo L, Mancini St, Postiglione M Laser Treatment of La Peyronie’s syndrome with 660 nm laser diode 6th   International congress of the European Medical Laser Association, Bucharest, 3-5 June, 1998, 15
  73. Chairman of three scientific sessions and President of one session 6th  International congress of the European Medical Laser Association,Bucharest, 3-5 June, 1998
  74. Longo L Il laser in terapia Corso di aggiornamento sulla patologia estetica del tessuto grasso sottocutaneo, Edema, lipedema e cellulite, Arezzo, 15-17 Maggio 1998
  75. Longo L I laser nel trattamento dell’acne 13° Incontro di Medicina Estetica, USL di Chieti,Ortona, 22-25 Maggio 1998
  76. Longo L, Mester A Present  And  Future  Of  Laser  Cicatrization 2th   International Congress of World Association for Laser Therapy (WALT), Kansas City, 2-6th September, 1998
  77. Longo L., Mancini St, Peruzzi GP, Laser Treatment Of Induratio Penis Plastica:Advantages And Limitations 2th  International Congress of World Association for Laser Therapy (WALT), Kansas City, 2-6th September, 1998
  78. Longo L., Mariani F., Botta G., Peruzzi G.P., Defocalized Laser Therapy Of Sport Injuries 2th     International Congress of World Association for Laser Therapy (WALT), Kansas City, 2-6th September, 1998
  79. Longo L Laser Treatment of telangiectases: purpose of codification, 1st International Meeting Laser Florence 98, Firenze, Oct 29th-Nov 1st,1998, 44
  80. Longo L, Mancini St, Peruzzi GP, Postiglione M, Laser and I.P.P.: state of the art 1st International Meeting Laser Florence 98, Firenze, Oct 29th-Nov 1st,1998, 9
  81. Longo, MD, A. Tenenbaum, MD, G. Botta, MD, S. Mancini, MD Laser-Resurfacing Technique: New Indications 19th Congress of American Laser Medicine and Surgery, Orlando, 1999, April 16-18, abs on Laser Surgery and Medicine, Wiley Publ,, Suppl. 11, March 99, 302
  82. L. Longo, MD, L. Corcos, MD Therapeutic Videoscopy And Combined Laser-Sclerotherapy Of The Lower Limbs Telangiectases: Follow Up 19th Congress of American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Orlando, 1999, April 16-18, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ,, Suppl. 11, March 99, 291
  83. Longo L., Khatri K., I laser in Medicina Estetica, XX Congresso Naz. Societa’ Italiana di Medicina Estetica, Roma, 26-28 Marzo 1999
  84. Longo L, Khatri K Lasers in Aesthetic Medicine, II International Congress La Nouvelle Estetique Moscow, 1999, June
  85. L. Longo, MD, A. Gazzabin, MD, G. Botta, MD, *M. Postiglione, MD, *O. Marangoni, MD Laser Surgical Cleansing Of Cutaneous Ulcers, International Symposium on Cutaneous Ulcers, Milan, 18-20 June, 1999
  86. L. Longo, MD, A.L. Piccinetti,MD, G. Dalle Monache, MD, G. Botta, MD, S. Mancini, MD Laser Treatment Of Stretch Marks: Preliminary 2nd  International Meeting Laser Florence 99, Firenze, Oct 28-31, 1999
  87. L. Longo, MD, *Marco Postiglione, StMD, G. Botta, MD,   S. Mancini, MD Is There A Best   Wavelength For Laser Treatment Of Telangiectases? 2nd  International Meeting Laser Florence 99, Firenze, Oct 28-31, 1999
  88. L. Longo, MD, *M. Postiglione, MD New Post Laser Resurfacing Medical Treatment
  89. 2nd  International Meeting Laser Florence 99, Firenze, Oct 28-31, 1999
  90. L. Longo No Surgical Laser In Aesthetic Medicine: Science Or Art ? 2nd European Congress of Aesthetic Medicin, Dermatological and Plastic Surgery, Bruxelles, Sept. 24-26, 1999
  91. L. Longo Laser Therapy In Cellulitis Treatment   2nd  European Congress of Aesthetic Medicin, Dermatological and Plastic Surgery, Bruxelles, Sept. 24-26, 1999
  92. L. Longo Laser: New Technology And Indication In Chronic Venous Insufficiency   Simposio Internazionale sull’insufficienza venosa cronica degli arti inferiori, Firenze, 18-20 Novembre 1999
  93. L. Longo Laserterapia delle Ulcere cutanee 3° Congresso Nazionale del Collegio Italiano di Flebologia, Siena, 12-15 Dicembre 1999
  94. L. Longo I Laser:uso specifico per l’epilazione in estetica ed il vascolare in dermatologia Pescara, 5 Dicembre 1999
  95. L. Longo Laser Treatment Of Telangiectases, II International Congress Intern. Associationfor Laser and Sport Medicine, Rosario, Argentina, 8-12 March 2000
  96. L. Longo Laser Therapy of Angiomas II International Congress Intern. Association for Laser and Sport Medicine, Rosario, Argentina, 8-12 March 2000
  97. L. Longo La Laser terapia in Flebologia, XXI Congresso Naz. Societa’ Italiana di Medicina Estetica, Roma, 30 Marzo-2 Aprile 2000
  98. L Longo Laserchirurgia e farmaci: un nuovo trattamento topico XX Congresso Naz. Societa’ Italiana di Medicina Estetica, Roma, 30 Marzo-2 Aprile 2000
  99. L. Longo Terapia laser delle strie cutanee XXI Congresso Naz. Societa’ Italiana di Medicina Estetica, Roma, 30 Marzo-2 Aprile 2000
  100. L. Longo, MD, M. Postiglione, MD, St. Mancini, MD Defocalized Laser Therapy 810 Nm In Sport Injuries ASLMS Meeting Reno, 2000, April 16-18, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ,, Suppl. 2000
  101. L.Longo, MD, Mg Postiglione, St MD, M. D’Ovidio, MD Post Laser Resurfacing Treatment 3rd  International Congress of World Association for Laser Therapy (WALT), Athens,, 10-13 May, 2000
  102. L Longo Laser Chirurgia Estetica 15° Incontro di Medicina estetica, Ortona, 26-29 Maggio, 2000
  103. L. Longo No Surgical lasers in Phlebology, Dubrovnik, 7th EMLA Congress, June 23-26, 2000
  104. L. Longo, MD, S. Mancini, MD, *M. Postiglione, MD, *MG Postiglione Laser Applications In Phlebology, Romopto 2000 SPIE International Congress, Bucharest, 3-7 September 2000
  105. L. Longo Lasers In Aesthetic Medicine: A Review, 3rd Int. Congress Poland Soc. Aesthetic Medicine, Warsaw, 7-8 Ocober 2000
  106. L. Longo, MD, M.G. Postiglione, StMD, S. Mancini, MD Laser Treatment Of Stretch Birthmarks: Is It Correct? 3rd Int. Congress Poland Soc. Aesthetic Medicine, Warsaw, 7-8 October 2000
  107. L. Longo, M. Marchi, MG Postiglione Comparison among two different types of diode lasers for fibromyositis treatment used on the same patients, Laser Florence 2000 International Meeting, Florence, 18.22 October 2000, Laser Journal 2:2, , abs 75,
  108. L. Longo, M. Marchi, MG Postiglione Comparison among two different types of diode lasers for fibromyositis treatment used on the different patients, Laser Florence 2000 International Meeting, Florence, 18.22 October 2000, Laser Journal II:2, 2000, abs 76,
  109. L. Longo Vascular Lesions On The Face And Neck: What Is The Best Laser? 13th International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine, Union Internationale de Medicine Esthetique, November 1-4, 2000 – Monte Carlo (Principauté de Monaco)
  110. Longo L. Botta G, Mancini S : Laser e telangiectasie XXII Congresso Naz. Societa’ Italiana di Medicina Estetica, Roma, 6-9 Aprile 2001
  111. Longo L, Postiglione M, Botta G, Mancini S Laser Terapia degli angiomi, XXII Congresso Naz. Societa’ Italiana di Medicina Estetica, Roma, 6-9 Aprile 2001
  112. L. Longo, MD, S. Mancini, MD, *M. Postiglione, MD Post – Laser Treatment Of Telangiectases ASLMS annual Meeting New Orleans, 2001, April 18-20, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ,, Suppl. 2001
  113. L. Longo, MD, *O. Marangoni, MD, **M. Melato, MD Laser Treatment Of Stretch Birthmarks ASLMS annual Meeting New Orleans, 2001, April 18-20, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ,, Suppl. 2001
  114. L. Longo, *M. Postiglione, **O. Marangoni, ***M. Melato, Defocalized Laser Therapy 810 Nm In Cicatrization Disorders ASLMS annual Meeting New Orleans, 2001, April 18-20, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ,, Suppl. 2001
  115. Longo L Lasers In Aesthetic Medicine: A Review 14th World Congress of the International Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Chennai, India, 27th -30th  August 2001
  116. Longo L Tratamiento de telangiectasias facials y otras patologia asociadas, Forum Venoso Latino-Americano, October 18th – 20th, 2001, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  117. Longo L ,Mancini St, Postiglione M IPP and laser:a review Laser Florence 2001 International Meeting, Florence, 7-11 October 2001, Laser Journal 2:2, abs 87,
  118. Anders JJ, Byrnes KR, Barna L, Chenault VM, Longo L, Miracco C Low power laser irradiation increases expression of FGF during healing of cutaneous wounds in normal and diabetic psammomys obesus Laser Florence 2000 International Meeting, Florence, 7-11 October 2001, Laser Journal 2:2, abs 90,
  119. Anders JJ, Byrnes KR, Barna L, Chenault VM, Longo L, Miracco C FGF expression increases with Low power laser irradiation during healing of cutaneous wounds in normal and diabetic psammomys obesus ASLMS annual Meeting Atlanta, April 2002,April 10-14, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ, 41, Suppl. 2002
  120. Marangoni O, Melato M, Longo L 808 nm laser treatment with blue toluidine exogenous cromophore of oral caqvity lesions ASLMS annual Meeting Atlanta, April 2002,April 10-14, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ, 68 Suppl. 2002
  121. Marangoni O, Melato M, Longo L Endoluminal phototermosclerosis laser 808 nm for the treatment of the saphenous and collateral varicae of the pelvic limbs. Indications and limits obesus Laser Florence 2002 International Meeting, Florence,28-31 October 2002, Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publ., abs 32,
  122. Corcos L, Deanna D, Longo L Transillumination and laser-assisted appropriated surgery Laser Florence 2002 International Meeting, Florence, 28-31 October 2002, Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publ., abs 32,
  123. Longo L The Laser Academy Facts and Words for an universal Specialization Invited Lecture North American Laser Therapy association Conference, Bethesda, 3-6 April 2003, USA
  124. Longo L, Menchetti PP, Laser Therapy of Low Back Pain Syndrome, Laser Munich 2003, 15th International Conference ISLMS, Munich, June 26-28, 2003
  125. Longo L. Trattamento laser delle ernie discali, Conference , Ordine dei medici di Firenze, June 6th, 2003
  126. L. Longo, R. Lubart, H. Friedman and R. Lavie A Possible Mechanism For Visible Light-Induced Skin Rejuvenation , Laser Florence 2003 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Springer Publ., London
  127. L. Longo First Experience Of Laser Treatment Of Diabetes In Italy , Laser Florence 2004 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Springer Publ., London
  128. P.P.M. Menchetti, L.Longo Percutaneous Laser Diode Disc Decompression (PL3Dtm) 500 Consecutive Cases Laser Florence 2004 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Springer Publ., London
  129. R. Lubart , A. M.Baruchin, R. Lavie, H. Friedman, J. Jacobi, L. Longo The Healing Effect Of Er:Yag Laser On Skin Tissues Laser Florence 2004 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Springer Publ., London
  130. L. Longo, D. Ciabattini Laser Therapy Of Spinal Cord Injuries In Vivo: First Case Report, Laser Florence 2004 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Springer Publ., London
  131. L. Longo, D. Ciabattini Laser Therapy Of Spinal Cord Injuries In Vivo: First Case Report, updated ASLMS annual Meeting Orlando, USA, April 2005, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ, Suppl. 2005
  132. O. Marangoni, L. Longo Complications Of Endoluminal Lasers.In The Treatment Of Saphenous Varicosities Of The Lower Limbs, Laser Florence 2004 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Springer Publ., London
  133. L. Longo, *M. D’Ovidio, St. Mancini Laser Therapy Of Induratio Penis Plastica: Why, When, How, ASLMS annual Meeting Dallas, April 2004, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ, Suppl. 2004
  134. L. Longo Nuove Tendenze in Laserterapia, Rome January 2004, Incontri di Medicina Estetica
  135. L. Longo Laser and Light for cosmetic treatment, Bucharest, 28 January, 2004, Marriott Hotel
  136. L. Longo New Trends in Laser Therapy, Warsaw, Congress of Poland Society of Aesthetic Medicine, September 26-28, 2004
  137. L. Longo. Nuove tendenze in Laserterapia , Corso di aggiornamento ECM di primo livello, sui laser e luce pulsata in medicina estetica, Universita’ di Perugia, Ist. Di Chirurgia Plastica , Giugno 2004
  138. L. Longo, D. Ciabattini Laser Therapy Of Spinal Cord Injuries In Vivo: Updata On The First Case Report Laser Florence 2005 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Vol 2005, 4 Springer Publ., London
  139. L. Longo, Laser Therapy Of Diabetes Type Two: Phase Two Of Clinical Experimentation Laser Florence 2005 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Vol 2005, 4 Springer Publ., London
  140. Gholamreza E Djavid, Ahmad Kaviani, Bagher Larijani, Laleh Razavi, Leila Ataie-Fashtami, Mohsen Fateh, Mohammad Javad Mortazavi, Leonardo Longo Low Level Laser Therapy In Treatment Of Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Double Blind Controlled Clinical Trial Laser Florence 2005 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, , Vol 2005, 4 Springer Publ., London
  141. O. Marangoni , L. Longo, LASER ENDOCOAGULATION 808nm OF LEG RETICULAR VEINS IN DARK SKIN PATIENTS Laser Florence 2005 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Springer Publ., London
  142. P.L. Ipponi, MD, L. Longo, Comparison Between Laser And Stappler Haemorroidectomy Laser Florence 2005 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Springer Publ., London
  143. T.B. Romanczyk, L. Longo, R.Waynant, I. Ilev, J.J. Anders Indirect Effects Of Light On The Migration Of Normal Human Neural Progenitor Cells, Laser Florence 2005 Abs, Suppl. Laser in Medical Science, Springer Publ.,Vol 2005 , 4 London
  144. Leonardo Longo1, Ovidio Marangoni2, Alberto Balzani³ Endocoagulation Laser Treatment Of Cutaneous Vascular Malformations ASLMS annual Meeting Orlando, USA, April 2005, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ, Suppl. 2005
  145. Tara B. Romanczyk, Rose Eisenbeiss, Rolf Graning, Albert Amat, Leonardo Longo, Ron Waynant, Ilko Ilev, Juanita J. Anders Light As A Replacement For Mitogenic Factors On Progenitor Cells, ASLMS annual Meeting Orlando, USA, April 2005, abs on Laser Surgery and Med., Wiley Publ, Suppl. 2005
  146. L. Longo, *D. Longo, Laser And Light Treatment Of Hyperglicaemia In Diabetic Patients 15th International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine, Union Internationale de Medicine Esthetique, Rome, 5-7 May, 2005
  147. L. Longo Complications And Side Effects Of Light And Laser Treatment, 16th International Congress of the International Society for Laser surgery and Medicine, ISLSM and 2nd congress of World Federation fo Laser Medicine and Surgery Societies, WFLSMS, Tokyo, 3-7 September, 2005
  148. L. Longo, Diabetes and Lasers, 16th International Congress of the International Society for Laser surgery and Medicine, ISLSM and 2nd congress of World Federation fo Laser Medicine and Surgery Societies, WFLSMS, Tokyo, 3-7 September, 2005
  149. P.P.M. Menchetti, L. Longo, G. Canero, W. Bini, E. Mazza Percutaneous Laser Diode Disc Decompression (Pl3d™) 800 Consecutive Cases’ Experience At 3 Years Follow-Up Laser Florence 2005, Firenze 2005, abs in Lasers in Medical Sciences, Vol 2005, 4, Springer London Publisher
  150. P.P.M. Menchetti, L. Longo, G. Canero, W Bini., A. Fontanella Diode Laser Effect On Intervertebral Disc. Pl3d™ Rationale Laser Florence 2005, Firenze 2005, abs in Lasers in Medical Sciences, Vol 2005, 4, Springer London Publisher
  151. L. Longo, M. Postiglione THE LASER ACADEMY Facts and words for an universal specialization , 16th International Congress of the International Society for Laser surgery and Medicine, ISLSM and 2nd congress of World Federation fo Laser Medicine and Surgery Societies, WFLSMS, Tokyo, 3-7 September, 2005
  152. L. Longo, Laser Treatment Of The Diabetes: Clinical Experimentation American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 26th Annual Congress, Boston, April 5-9, 2006, Abs on Laser in Surgery and Medicine, Suppl. 2006, J. Wiley Publisher
  153. L. Longo, Lllt And Phototherapy In Italy, !st Congress of IPTA, Suwa, Japan, 1-3 July, 2006
  154. L. Longo, Laser And Light Treatment Of Hypertrophic Scars, Keloids And Strecthmarks, Union European of Aesthetic Medicine Congress, Krakow, September 2006
  155. L. Longo, M. Postiglione, THE LASER ACADEMY Facts and words for an universal specialization, , Union European of Aesthetic Medicine Congress, Krakow, September 2006
  156. L. Longo Non invasive Laser surgery, International College of Surgeons Congress, Pattaya, Thailand, October 2006
  157. O. Marangoni, L. Longo Intra-Extraluminal 808 Nm Laser For Treatment Of Tortuous Collateral And Reticular Legs Veins, Laser Florence 2006, Firenze 2006, abs in Lasers in Medical Sciences, Vol 2006, 4, Springer London Publisher
  158. L. Longo, Non Surgical Laser Treatment Of Chronic Diseases: A Review Laser Florence 2006, Firenze 2006, abs in Lasers in Medical Sciences, Vol 2006, 4, Springer London Publisher
  159. P. P. M. Menchetti, L. Longo,W. Bini  Combined Microsurgical Approach And Laser Disc Decompression In Cervical Spine. Laser Florence 2006, Firenze 2006, abs in Lasers in Medical Sciences, Vol 2006, 4, Springer London Publisher
  160. P. P. M. Menchetti, L. Longo, W. Bini, G. Canero, E. Mazza Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression. A Prospective Study Under C- Arm Vs. Ct-Scan Guidance. Laser Florence 2006, Firenze 2006, abs in Lasers in Medical Sciences, Vol 2006, 4, Springer London Publisher
  161. P. P. M. Menchetti, L. Longo, W. Bini, G. Canero Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression.1000 Consecutive Cases At 3 Years Follow Up. . Laser Florence 2006, Firenze 2006, abs in Lasers in Medical Sciences, Vol 2006, 4, Springer London Publisher
  162. 164. L. Longo Laser and IPL in Skin Rejuvenation and Treatment of Scars , Internat. Congress of Plastic Surg., Polanica, Poland, May 2007
  163. L. Longo Laser Surgery of Skin Lesions of Different Kind, Internat. Congress of Plastic Surg, Polanica, Poland, May 2007
  164. L. Longo The Role Of Laser In Diabetes Management   ECI conference Tomar, Portugal, June 24-30, 2007
  165. L. Longo Laser therapy fundamentals in Aesthetic Medicine, Poland Society of aesthetic Medicine, Warzaw, September 2007
  166. L. Longo Non Surgical LASER Effects on the SKIN Wound Healing, Poland Soc of a. esthetic Med., Warzaw, September 2007
  167. L. Longo Diabetes and LASER in Italy: some years of experience , Poland Society of aesthetic Med., Warzaw, September 2007
  168. L. Longo Diabetes And Laser In Italy: Some Years Of Experience, 17th International Congress International Society Laser Surgery and Medicine jointed with 22nd International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery Congress, Firenze, November 8-10, 2007, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2007
  169. L. Longo News On Laser Therapy Of Traumatic And Degenerative Spinal Cord Injuries 17th International Congress International Society Laser Surgery and Medicine jointed with 22nd International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery Congress, Firenze, November 8-10, 2007, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2007
  170. P.P.M. Menchetti, L. Longo, ,W. Bini, MD, G. Canero, Percutaneous Laser Discectomy. Multicentric Study At 4 Years Follow Up, 17th International Congress International Society Laser Surgery and Medicine jointed with 22nd International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery Congress, Firenze, November 8-10, 2007, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2007
  171. L. Longo Laser Therapy Of Diabetes: Follow-Up , 2nd IPTA International Congress, April 25-27 2008, Queenstown, New Zealand
  172. L. Longo Laser Treatment Of Spinal Cord Injuries In Association With  Progenitor  Cells  Graft, 2nd IPTA International Congress, April 25-27 2008, Queenstown, New Zealand
  173. L. Longo Mechanisms of light and Laser induced skin rejuvenation 3-rd Romanian International Congress of Anti-Aging Medicine and First Congress of Lasers in Medicine and Surgery, Bucharest, 2-4 May, 2008
  174. L. Longo Non-Surgical Laser And Light Effects On The Skin Wound Healing , ESLAS International Congress, May 7-9, 2008
  175. L. Longo Endo Peri Luminal 808 Nm Laser For The Treatment Of Collateral And Reticular Legs Veins ESLAS International Congress, May 7-9, 2008
  176. L. Longo Non Surgical Lasers In Aesthetic Medicine: Uses And Limits , Poland Soc of Aesthetic Med., Warzaw, September 2008
  177. L. Longo Lasers And Pulse Light: When And Why? , Poland Soc of Aesthetic Med., Warzaw, September 2008
  178. L. Longo News On Laser Treatment Of Brain And Spinal Cord Injuries Laser Florence 2008, International Congress of the International Academy Laser in Medicine and Surgery Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2008
  179. L. Longo Laser Therapy Of Diabetes: Updata Laser Florence 2008, International Congress of the International Academy Laser in Medicine and Surgery Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2008
  180. L. Longo Non Surgical Laser Therapy Of Brain And Spinal Cord Injuries, American Society for Laser in Medicine and Surgery – ASLMS, Washington, 1-5 April, 2009 – Published on Laser in Surgery and Medicine, J. Wiley publisher, N.Y., Suppl 21, 2009
  181. L. Longo Comparison Between Non Surgical Lasers And Pulsed Light In Aesthetic Medicine: Uses And Limits 4th International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Surgery Society, Eforje, 20-22 May, 2009
  182. L. Longo Laser Therapy of Diabetes : updata 4th International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine and Surgery Society, Eforje, 20-22 May, 2009
  183. L. Longo Non Surgical Laser And Light In The Treatment Of Chronic Diseases 9th International Congress Laser Physics Society, Barcellona, 13-17 July, 2009
  184. L. Longo  Non Surgical Laser Treatment Of Chronic Diseases: Advantages And Limits, 37th International Congress of European Society of Radiology, Prague, August 26th -28th , 2009
  185. L. Longo Laser Treatment In Medicine And Surgery: A Review 2nd Baltic Association Laser Medicine and Lithuanian Society of Laser medicine and Surgery congress, Vilnius, 3-5 September, 2009
  186. L. Longo Non Surgical Laser In The Treatment Of Central Nervous System Injuries 2nd Baltic Association Laser Medicine and Lithuanian Society of Laser medicine and Surgery congress, Vilnius, 3-5 September, 2009
  187. C. Kleinbloesem, L. Longo Effects Of Laser On Progenitor Cells: Proposal Of Clinical Application, Laser Florence 2009 International Congress of the International Academy Laser in Medicine and Surgery and the International Phototherapy Association Congress, Firenze, November 6-7, 2009, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2009
  188. A. Lauto, L.Longo Integration Of Extracellular Matrix With Chitosan Adhesive Film For Sutureless Tissue Fixation , Laser Florence 2009 International Congress of the International Academy Laser in Medicine and Surgery and the International Phototherapy Association Congress, Firenze, November 6-7, 2009, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2009
  189. J. Anders, H.Moges, X. Wu, I. Ilev,R.Waynant, L. Longo The Combination of Light and Stem Cell Therapies: A Novel Approach in Regenerative Medicine Laser Florence 2009 International Congress of the International Academy Laser in Medicine and Surgery and the International Phototherapy Association Congress, Firenze, November 6-7, 2009, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2009
  190. L. Longo LASER THERAPY OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEMS INJURIES: UPDATA, Laser Florence 2010 International Congress of the International Academy Laser in Medicine and Surgery Congress, Firenze, November 5-6, 2010, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2010
  191. L. Longo LASER THERAPY OF DIABETES: NEW TOOL FOR LONGER TERM RESULTS Laser Florence 2010 International Congress of the International Academy Laser in Medicine and Surgery Congress, Firenze, November 5-6, 2010, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2010
  192. L. Longo, D. Longo ASSOCIATION OF THREE DIFFERENT ENERGY IN AESTHETIC MEDICINE:PRELIMINARY RESULTS Laser Florence 2010 International Congress of the International Academy Laser in Medicine and Surgery Congress, Firenze, November 5-6, 2010, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2010
  193. L. Longo Laser and Non-Laser Lights in the Treatment of Scars: What is it About? Conference on Controversies on Laser therapy in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery, Innsbruck University, September 2010
  194. L. Longo Anniversary 50 years of Laser Medicine Conference on Controversies on Laser therapy in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery, Innsbruck University, September 2010
  195. L. Longo LASER IN REGENERATIVE MEDICINE: THERAPY OF TRAUMATIC CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INJURIES 11th International Congress Laser Physics Society, Sarajevo, 13-17 July, 2011
  196. L. Longo LASER THERAPY OF TRAUMATIC CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INJURIES, North American Association Laser Therapy Congress, Milwaukee, 22-25 September 2011
  197. L. Longo NON SURGICAL LASER   IN REGENERATIVE MEDICINE: THERAPY OF TRAUMATIC CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INJURIES Laser Florence 2011 International Congress of the International Academy Laser in Medicine and Surgery Congress, Firenze, November 4-5, 2011, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 4, 2011
  199. L. Longo LASER THERAPY OF DIABETES: NEW TOOL FOR LONG-TERM RESULTS Laser Florence 2011 International Congress of the International Academy Laser in Medicine and Surgery Congress, Firenze, November 4-5, 2011, Abs on Laser in Medical Science, Springer London Publisher, 6, 2011
  200. L. Longo, M. Postiglione LASER THERAPY OF SPINAL CORD INJURIES Millennium Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 2012
  201. L. Longo THE ADDED VALUE OF LASER APPLICATION TO TRADITIONAL SURGERY, NESA Congress, Palma de Maiorca, 13-16 September, 2012
  202. L. Longo LASER REJUVENATION OF THE FACIAL SKIN, Poland Society Of Aesthetic Medicine Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 5-7 November, 2012
  203. L. Longo LASER TREATMENT IN SCAR AND KELOID CONNECTION, Poland Society Of Aesthetic Medicine Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 5-7 November, 2012
  204. L. Longo LASER THERAPY OF SCARS , 26th IALMS International Congress Laser Florence 2012, Firenze, 9-10 November 2012
  205. L. Longo LASER THERAPY OF SPINAL CORD INJURIES: 9 YEARS OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCES , 26th IALMS International Congress Laser Florence 2012, Firenze, 9-10 November 2012
  206. Xingjia Wu, Leonardo Longo, Juanita Anders LIGHT SUPPORTS DIFFERENTIATION OF ADIPOCYTES FROM HUMAN MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS 26th IALMS International Congress Laser Florence 2012, Firenze, 9-10 November 2012
  207. L. Longo, M Postiglione LASER THERAPY OF TRAUMATIC CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INJURIES, 14th APALMS Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, 22-25 November, 2012
  208. L. Longo, MD, M.G. Postiglione, MD, S. Lekka, MD Laser Therapy Of Traumatic Central Nervous System Injuries : 9 Years Of
    Personal Experiences , American Society for Laser in Medicine and Surgery – ASLMS, Boston, 3-5 April, 2013 – Published on Laser in
    Surgery and Medicine, J. Wiley publisher, N.Y., Suppl 21, 2013
  209. L. Longo, MD Laser And Light Therapy For Hypertrophyc Scar Correction American Society for Laser in Medicine and Surgery –
    ASLMS, Boston, 3-5 April, 2013 – Published on Laser in Surgery and Medicine, J. Wiley publisher, N.Y., Suppl 21, 2013
  210. L. Longo Laser e luce nel trattamento delle cicatrici ipertrofiche, Congresso SIME, May 2013, Roma
  211. L. Longo, MD, S. Lekka, MD, D. Longo, PTSt Laser Therapy Of Traumatic Central Nervous System Injuries : Updata – World
    Federation Societies of Laser Medicine and Surgery Congress – WFSLMS, jointed with International Photo Therapy Association
    Congress, IPTA and International Society Laser Surgery and Medicine – ISLSM Congress, Vilnius, 18-20 September, 2013
  212. L. Longo, MD, F. Giubilo, MD, C. Romanelli, MD, D. Longo, PT Laser And Physical Therapy Applied To Traumatic Central Nervous
    System Injuries: Update – 27th International academy Laser Medicine and Surgery – IALMS Congress, Laser Florence 2013, Firenze,
    9-10 November 2013, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2013
  213. L. Longo, MD, F. Giubilo, MD, C. Romanelli, MD, D. Longo, PT Laser And Light Treatment Of Hypertrophic Scars And Keloids,
    27th International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery – IALMS Congress, Laser Florence 2013, Firenze, 9-10 November 2013, Abs
    on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2013
  214. G. Bastianelli, MD, L. Longo1, MD, C. Cavicchi, MD, A. Alweis, Ph, D. Bellomo, PhD Laser In Otolaryngology 35 Years Of
    Experience And Future Possibilities Of The Research And On The Field 27th International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery –
    IALMS Congress, Laser Florence 2013, Firenze, 9-10 November 2013, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2013
  215. J. Lotti, PhD*, D. Longo, PTSt, C. Romanelli, MD, L. Longo, MD Semg-Biofeedback For The Evaluation Of Laser Therapy On
    Traumatic Central Nervous System Injuries Field 27th International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery – IALMS Congress, Laser
    Florence 2013, Firenze, 9-10 November 2013, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2013
  216. Longo L, Ricci A Cranial Nerves Trauma & Laser-Assisted Regeneration, IMAGINA Dental Congress, Montecarlo, 13-16 February,
  217. L. Longo, MD, C. Romanelli, MD, D. Longo, PT Non Surgical Laser Therapy Of Traumatic Central Nervous System Injuries: New
    Evaluation Procedure Of The Results Obtained, American Society for Laser in Medicine and Surgery – ASLMS, Phoenix, 3-5 April, 2014
    – Published on Laser in Surgery and Medicine, J. Wiley publisher, N.Y., Suppl 21, 2014
  218. L. Longo, MD, C. Romanelli, MD, D. Longo, PT Acute Lumbago Treated With Nd-Yag Laser American Society for Laser in Medicine
    and Surgery – ASLMS, Phoenix, 3-5 April, 2014 – Published on Laser in Surgery and Medicine, J. Wiley publisher, N.Y., Suppl 21, 2014
  219. L. Longo Cranial Nerves Trauma & Laser-Assisted Regeneration, 14th Congress World Federation Laser Dentistry, Paris, July 2-4,
  220. L. Longo Laser Therapy At Home Post Oral Surgery , 14th Congress World Federation Laser Dentistry, Paris, July 2-4, 2014
  221. L. Longo, Laser And Light Therapy For Scar And Keloid Correction : Updata, Poland Society Of Aesthetic Medicine Congress,
    Warsaw, Poland, 3-5 October, 2014
  222. L. Longo Facial Nerves Trauma & Laser-Assisted Regeneration , Poland Society Of Aesthetic Medicine Congress, Warsaw, Poland,
    3-5 October, 2014
  223. L. Longo Impiego dei Laser nei trattamenti cutanei, Pisa, Dic 2014, &° corso di dermatologia, Intus et in Cute , intus ut in cute, Palazzo
    del Consiglio dei Dodici
  224. D. Longo, PT, L. Longo, MD, P. Lippi, PT Evaluation Procedure Of Post- Laser Therapy Results On Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries :
    A Proposal, American Society for Laser in Medicine and Surgery – ASLMS, Orlando, 3-5 April, 2015 – Published on Laser in Surgery
    and Medicine, J. Wiley Publisher, N.Y., Suppl 21, 2015 GRANT
  225. L. Longo Laser Terapia delle lesioni spinali e cerebrali traumatiche, Conferenza Associazione “La Colonna”, no-profit organization,
    Mirano, 21/03/2015
  226. L. Longo, MD, G. Cappellini MD, D. Longo, PT, G. Cherubini, PT Traumi Del Nervo Facciale E Rigenerazione Laser-Assistita.
    Congresso SIME, Roma, May 2015
  227. L. Longo Laser Terapia delle lesioni spinali e cerebrali traumatiche, Conferenza Itailan Medical Association, Firenze, May 24, 2015
  228. L. Longo Laser surgery side effects and complications, “Important issues of modern plastic surgery, emergency medicine and
    dermatology” International Conference of All Ukrainian association of plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons.Ukrainian Society of
    Aesthetic Medicine, Ukrainian academy of dermatology, Odessa, May 28-29, 2015
  229. L. Longo Nosurgical laser and light effect of skin wound healing, “Important issues of modern plastic surgery, emergency medicine and
    dermatology” International Conference of All Ukrainian association of plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons.Ukrainian Society of
    Aesthetic Medicine, Ukrainian academy of dermatology, Odessa, May 28-29, 2015
  230. D. Longo, PT, L. Longo, MD, P. Lippi, PT, MSc, G. Cherubini, PT, G. Cappellini, MD Effects Of Laser Therapy Associated With
    Grimaldi’s Muscle Shortening Maneuver On Motor Control And Muscle Strenght Of Patients Affected By Spinal Cord Injury: A Case
    Series 6th IPTA Congress Nice, July 9-10, 2015
  231. L. Longo Non Surgical Laser And Light Therapy For Scar And Keloid Correction : Updata 6th IPTA Congress Nice, July 9-10, 2015
  232. L. Longo Facial Nerves Trauma & Laser-Assisted Regeneration 6th IPTA Congress Nice, July 9-10, 2015
  233. L. Longo, MD, D. Longo, PT, G. Cappellini, MD, G. Cherubini, PT Laser Therapy Of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries: Procedure And
    Results Evaluation, 21st Meeting of the International Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine – ISLSM, Indore, India, 19-22 of August,
  234. L. Longo Laser Therapy At Home Post Dentistry Surgery, 21st Meeting of the International Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine –
    ISLSM, Indore, India, 19-22 of August, 2015
  235. L. Longo Non Surgical Laser Treatment Of Cranial Nerves Trauma, 21st Meeting of the International Society for Laser Surgery and
    Medicine – ISLSM, Indore, India, 19-22 of August, 2015
  236. L. Longo, MD, D. Longo, PT, G. Cappellini, MD, G. Cherubini, PT Acute And Chronic Lumbago Treated With Laser 1064 And 808
    Nm, 21st Meeting of the International Society for Laser Surgery and Medicine – ISLSM, Indore, India, 19-22 of August, 2015
  237. G. Bastianelli , L. Longo Laser -Assisted Surgical Enlargment Of The Middle Meatus In Chronic Sinusitis: 30 Years Of Experience,
    New European Surgical Academy, NESA DAYS 2015, Berlin, 18-22, 2015
  238. L. Longo Laser Therapy Of Surgical Emergency, Meeting of The New European Surgical Academy, NESA DAYS 2015, Berlin,
    September 18-22, 2015
  239. L. Longo Laser mechanisms of action, Poland Society Of Aesthetic Medicine Congress, Warsaw, Poland, 2-4 October, 2015
  240. L. Longo Comparison Between Laser Assisted And Not Assisted Liposuction , Poland Society Of Aesthetic Medicine Congress,
    Warsaw, Poland, 2-4 October, 2015
  241. L. Longo Laser Terapia nella Sindrome acneica Pisa, October 2015, 7th corso di dermatologia, Intus et in Cute , intus ut in
    cute,Palazzo del Consiglio dei Dodici
  242. L. Longo Laser therapy of acnis syndrome , Laser Florence 2015, November 2015, abs on 28th International Academy Laser Medicine
    and Surgery – IALMS Congress, Laser Florence 2015, Firenze, 5-7 November 2015, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ,
    Oct 2015
  243. L. Longo, MD, D. Longo, PT, G. Cherubini, PT, V. Mangè, PT Acute and Chronic lumbago treated with laser therapy: a review, abs
    on 28th International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery – IALMS Congress, Laser Florence 2015, Firenze, 5-7 November 2015,
    Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2015
  244. L. Longo, MD, D. Longo, PT, G. Cherubini, PT, V. Mangé1, PT Laser Therapy Of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries: Procedure, Results
    Evaluation, Follow Up , abs on 28th International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery – IALMS Congress, Laser Florence 2015,
    Firenze, 5-7 November 2015, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2015
  245. D. Longo PT, L. LongoMD, P. Lippi, PT, MSc, G. Cherubini, PT, V. Mangé, PT Effects Of Non Surgical Laser Therapy Combinated
    With Grimaldi’s Muscle Shortening Maneuver On Patients With Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Series , abs on 28th International Academy
    Laser Medicine and Surgery – IALMS Congress, Laser Florence 2015, Firenze, 5-7 November 2015, Abs on Lasers in Medical
    Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2015
  246. G. Bastianelli, L. Longo Low Level Diode Laser Therapy In Patients With Chronic Sinusitis , abs on 28th International Academy Laser
    Medicine and Surgery – IALMS Congress, Laser Florence 2015, Firenze, 5-7 November 2015, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science,
    Springer Publ, Oct 2015
  247. G. Bastianelli, L. Longo Laser In The Nose Surgery :Pros And Cons After The Last Laser Florence Conference, , abs on 28th
    International Academy Laser Medicine and Surgery – IALMS Congress, Laser Florence 2015, Firenze, 5-7 November 2015, Abs on
    Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2015
  248. L. Longo, MD, O Sheykh, MD, D. Longo, TD, G. Cherubini, TD, V. Mange’, TD Laser Terapia Non Chirurgica Delle Lesioni
    Traumatiche Del Sistema Nervoso Centrale, Workshop Universita’ di Milano Bicocca, Marzo 2016
  249. D. Longo, PT, L. Longo, MD, *P. Lippi, PT, MSc, G. Cherubini, PT, V. Mangé, PT Effects Of Laser Therapy And Grimaldi’s Muscle
    Shortening Manoveur On Motor Control Of Subjects With Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries ASLMS 36th Annual Congress, Boston, 1-3
    April, 2016 GRANT
  250. L. Longo, MD, O Sheykh, MD, D. Longo, TD, G. Cherubini, TD, V. Mange’, TD Laser Therapy For Chronic Induratio Penis Plastica
    (IPP): 33 Years Of Experience, Results And Follow-Up ASLMS 36th Annual Congress, Boston, 1-3 April, 2016
  251. L. Longo, M.D., O. Sheikh, MD Laser Terapia Della Sindrome Acneica, 11th European Congress of European Society of Aesthetic
    Medicine, Rome, 12-15 May 2016
  252. L Longo, O Sheykh, D Longo, G Cherubini, V Mangé Laser Therapy of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries: Procedure and New Results
    Evaluation, International Congress of the International Society of Laser Physics, LasPhys 2016, Yerevan, 11-15 November, 2016
  253. L Longo, O Sheykh, D Longo, G Cherubini, V Mangé Laser Therapy Of Traumatic Central Nervous System Injuries: Case Series
    Report IALT Global Summit on Medical Laser and Regenerative Medicine, Bangalore, India, 9-11 September, 2016
  254. L. Longo Cicatrizzazione E Laser: Terapia Di Ferite, Cicatrici Ipertrofiche E Cheloidi, ICAMP , Milano, 26 Novembre 2016
  255. L Longo, O Sheykh, D Longo, G Cherubini, V Mangé Laser nelle lesioni spinali: attualità’ e prospettive, Universita’ di
    Milano Bicocca, sede di Monza, Ospedale San Gerardo, Workshop su Fisica ed Informatica in Medicina, 30 Marzo 2017
  256. L. Longo, M.D., O. Sheykh, M.D., Effetti Collaterali e Complicanze dei laser in medicina estetica , 38° Congresso della
    Societa’ Italiana di Medicina Estetica, Roma, 12-14 Maggio 2017
  257. L. Longo, O. Sheykh, A. Mileo, A. Gedanken, A. Lipovsky, D. Fixler, I. Yariv And R. Lubart Nano Sized
    Photosensitizers (Ps) And Ipl For P. Acnes Treatment ASLMS 37th Annual Congress, San Diego, 5-8 April, 2017
  258. D. Longo, L. Longo, P. Lippi, G. Cherubini, V. Mangé, Msc St. Laser Therapy And Grimaldi’s Muscle Shortening
    Manoveur In The Treatment Of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries, ASLMS 37th Annual Congress, San Diego, 5-8 April, 2017
  259. L. Longo, O. Sheykh, A. Gedanken, A. Lipovsky, D. Fixler, I. Yariv and R. Lubart Nano Sized Photodynamic Therapy
    For P. Acnis Treatment Ukrainian Society of Plastic Surgery, Dermatology Aesthetic Medicine, Odessa 28-29 May, 2017
  260. L. Longo Laser in Human Tissue regeneration Ukrainian Society of Plastic Surgery, Dermatology Aesthetic Medicine,
    Odessa 28-29 May, 2017
  261. Longo L La Storia del Laser, 32° Aggiornamento in Dermocosmetologia, Ortona, 9-10 Giugno 2017
  262. Longo L. Strumenti e metodiche: come 32° Aggiornamento in Dermocosmetologia, Ortona, 9-10 Giugno 2017
  263. Longo L I biofotoni nella salute dell’uomo, Workshop on “ I biofotoni energia per la vita” Cluster Egocreanet, Universita’ di
    Firenze, Accademia dei Georgofili, Firenze, 28 Settembre 2017
  264. L Longo, O Sheykh, D Longo, P. Lippi, G Cherubini, V. Mangé, M. Giudici, The role of multiwavelenghts Laser Therapy
    in the treatment of Central Nervous System Injuries Institute Laser Medicine, International Academy for Laser Medicine and
    Surgery, Florence, Italy1University of Florence- Florence, Italy IALMS-WFSLMS-ISLSM-IPTA Congress, Laser Florence
    2017, Firenze, 9-11 Nov. 2017, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2017
  265. D. Longo, L. Longo, P. Lippi, O. Sheykh, G. Cherubini, V. Mangé, M. Giudici, Effects of Laser Therapy And Grimaldi’s
    Muscle Short Manoeuvre On Spasticity In Cns- IALMS-WFSLMS-ISLSM-IPTA Congress, Laser Florence 2017,
    Firenze, 9-11 November 2017, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2017
  266. D. Longo, L. Longo, P. Lippi, O Sheykh, G. Cherubini, V. Mangé, M. Giudici, Effects Of Laser Therapy And Grimaldi’s Muscle Short Manoeuvre On Walking Pattern, In Patients Affected By Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries IALMS-WFSLMS-ISLSM-IPTA Congress, Laser Florence 2017, Firenze, 9-11 November 2017, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science,Springer Publ, Oct 2017
  267. L Longo, O Sheykh, MD, D Longo, PT, MSc., P. Lippi, G Cherubini, V Mangé and, M. Giudici, Acute And Chronic Lumbago Treated With LASER 1064 & 808 nm Institute Laser Medicine, IALMS-WFSLMS-ISLSM-IPTA Congress, LaserFlorence 2017, Firenze, 9-11 November 2017, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2017
  268. L Longo, MD, O Sheykh, MD Advanced Laser Therapy Of Induratio Penis Plastica Institute Laser Medicine, International Academy for Laser Medicine and Surgery, Florence, Italy, IALMS-WFSLMS-ISLSM-IPTA Congress, Laser Florence 2017, Firenze, 9-11 November 2017, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2017
  269. L. Longo, O. Sheykh, A. Gedanken, A. Lipovsky, D. Fixler, I. Yariv and R. Lubart Nanotechnology And Light For P.
    Acnis Treatment IALMS-WFSLMS-ISLSM-IPTA Congress, Laser Florence 2017, Firenze, 9-11 November 2017, Abs on
    Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2017
  270. G. Bastianelli, F. Consagra, L. Longo Laser In Nose Obstruction: Surgical And Not Surgical Treatment Of Increasing Problem IALMS-WFSLMS-ISLSM-IPTA Congress, Laser Florence 2017, Firenze, 9-11 November 2017, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2017
  271. C. Pedrinazzi, L. Longo, J. Houang, A. Lauto New Perspectives In Photodynamic Therapy: A New Protocol For The Treatment Of Onychomycosis IALMS-WFSLMS-ISLSM-IPTA Congress, Laser Florence 2017, Firenze, 9-11 November 2017, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2017
  272. L Longo, MD, O Sheykh, MD, D Longo, PT, MSc, P. Lippi, PT, MSc1,G Cherubini, PT, MSc, V. Mangé, PT 1, MSc, M. Giudici, PT1The role of multiwavelenghts Laser Therapy in the treatment of Central Nervous System Injuries Workshop on Neurospine regeneration and rehabilitation of spinal cord injuries, Universita’ di Milano Bicocca, Aula Magna CNR Segrate, 16 Novembre 2017
  273. L. Longo Use and Abuse of Laser in medicine and surgery, Warzaw University, Poland, Course on Regenerative medicine, Dec 1-3, 2017
  274. L. Longo Use of Laser on Face and Neck Warzaw University, Poland, Course on Regenerative medicine, Dec 1-3, 2017
  275. Longo L I biofotoni nella salute dell’uomo: meccanismi d’azione, Universita’ di Firenze, Incubatore, Firenze, 30 Novembre 2017
  276. L. Longo, O. Sheykh, Laser And Non Ablative Technology For The Rejvenation Of Face And Neck, 39° SIME Congress, Rome, May, 2018
  277. Longo L. I laser in medicina 33° Aggiornamento di Cosmetologia, Termalismo, Nutrizione, SASME, Ortona, June 9, 2018
  278. L. Longo PhotoBioModulation in Skin Regeneration !6th Congress APALMS – Asian Pacific Association for Laser Medicine and Surgery , Bangkok 19-20, Thailand, 2018
  279. L Longo,D. Longo,G Cherubini, ,V. Mangé, PT Laser Treatment Of The Induration Penis Plastic And Duputren Syndrome, !6th Congress APALMS – Asian Pacific Association for Laser Medicine and Surgery , Bangkok 19-20, Thailand
  280. Longo L Side Effects And Complication Of Laser Treatment, How I Can Do It !6th Congress APALMS – Asian Pacific Association for Laser Medicine and Surgery , Bangkok 19-20, Thailand,2018
  281. L Longo, O Sheykh, D Longo, G Cherubini,V Mangé, Some Effects Of Multi Laser Therapy On Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries !6th Congress APALMS – Asian Pacific Association For Laser Medicine And Surgery , Bangkok 19-20, Thailand,2018
  282. L. Longo, O. Sheykh, D. Longo, G. Cherubini, V. Mange’ Laser Therapy Of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries: Procedure And New Results Evaluation, Biophotonic Symposium, University Nove de Julio, Sao Paolo, Brasil, 7-9 November, 2018
  283. L. Longo Laser And Non Ablative Technology For The Rejvenation Of Face And Neck ICAMP Congress 2018, Nov 24, Challenges in Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatology, Rome
  284. L. Longo, O. Sheykh*, A. Gedanken, A. Lipovsky, D. Fixler, I. Yariv and R. Lubart P. Acnes Treatment With
    Nanotechnology And Light ICAMP Congress 2018, Nov 24, Challenges in Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatology, Rome
  285. Bastianelli G, Longo L, Varini A, Consagra C Long Term Results in Inferior Laser Turbinate Surgery ENT Endoscopy
    Congress, Nice, France, November 29-30, Dec. 1, 2018
  286. Bastianelli G, Longo L, Varini A, Consagra C Treatment of middle turbinate in endoscopic surgery ENT Endoscopy
    Congress, Nice, France, November 29-30, Dec. 1, 2018
  287. Longo L. Photo Bio Modulation (PBM) In Skin Regeneration, CoMRe 2019, Rome, January 2019
  288. Longo L Aesthetic Features of the Induratio Penis Plastica, 40° SIME Congress, Rome, May, 2018
  289. Longo L. Laser in Nervous System Injuries and not only in Aesthetic Medicine: his role in Human Energy Field, World
    Congress of Laser Medicine, Taipei, June 26-29, 2019
  290. Longo L. Laser in Medicina e non solo in Estetica, Rotary Club Sicilia e Malta, Alcamo, October 2019
  291. Longo L L’acqua come conduttore degli effetti della biomodulazione della luce sul corpo umano, Regione Toscana,
    Conference L’acqua e’ vita, G. Pollack Speaker, Palazzo del Pegaso, Firenze, October 2019
  292. L. Longo, G. Cherubini, V. Mangé, D. Longo Laser Therapy of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries : why and How ? Laser
    Florence 2019, Firenze, 7-9 November 2019, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2019
  293. V. Mangé, D. Longo, G. Cherubini, P. Lippi, D. Melchiorre, M. Bagni, L. Longo Laser Photomodulation And Pelvic
    Rehabilitation In Patients With Spinal Cord Injuries Laser Florence 2019, Firenze, 7-9 November 2019, Abs on Lasers in
    Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2019
  294. G. Cherubini, D. Longo, V. Mangé, P. Lippi, L Longo Effects Of Laser Therapy On Patients Affected By Spinal Cord
    Injury: A Sensitivity Investigation Laser Florence 2019, Firenze, 7-9 November 2019, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science,
    Springer Publ, Oct 2019
  295. D. Longo ,L. Longo, G. Cherubini, V. Mangé, P. Lippi, D. Melchiorre, M. Bagni Effects Of Laser Therapy And Grimaldi’s
    Muscle Shortening Maneuver On Muscles And Movement On Muscle Tone Disorders Laser Florence 2019, Firenze, 7-9 November 2019, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2019
  296. G. Bastianelli, L. Longo, C. Consagra Low Laser Therapy In Chronic Rhinitis Laser Florence 2019, Firenze, 7-9
    November 2019, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2019
  297. L. Longo, D. Longo, G. Cherubini, V. Mangé Horizontal Cavitation In Functional Impotence: Preliminary Results Laser
    Florence 2019, Firenze, 7-9 November 2019, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2019
  298. C. Pedrinazzi, L. Longo, S. Andreoli, J. Houang, A. Lauto New Acquisitions In The Treatment Of Onychomycosis With
    Photodynamic Therapy Laser Florence 2019, Firenze, 7-9 November 2019, Abs on Lasers in Medical Science, Springer
    Publ, Oct 2019
  299. Baxter G.D., Liu L., Tumilty S., Galiano-Castillo, N., McDonough, S.M., Longo L., Lanzafame R., Anders J. Photobiomodulation For Pain Relief: Current Evidence Laser Florence 2019, Firenze, 7-9 November 2019, Abs on Lasers
    in Medical Science, Springer Publ, Oct 2019
  300. L. Longo, G. Cherubini, V. Mangé, D. Longo Laser terapia delle lesioni spinali traumatiche: perche’ e come? Disability
    Care, IITM, Ministero della Salute, Rome, December 2, 2019
  301. L. Longo Laser Therapy And Coherence: Mechanisms Of Action And Results. Coherence 2000 International Conference,
    Rome,webinar, 12 March, 2020
  302. L. Longo Transcranial PhotoBioModulation of the Brain Updates and Prospectives. Global Virtual Summit BRAIN +
  303. L. Longo, MD, R. Dell’Avanzato, MD Multiwavelenght Lasers Pbm And Laser Endolift Procedure For The Rejuvenation Of
    Lower Third Of The Face , SIME Congress, Rome, May 2020
  304. L. Longo, Skin Photo Bio Modulation (PBM), Cancun,Wellness by iSiena Congress, Mexico, November 2020
  305. L. Longo, D. Longo Laser therapy of CNS traumatic injuries, update. UniNove Sao Paulo, Brazil , Fib, 6th Forum
    Internacional of Biophotonica, 2nd Latin-American Biophotonics Meeting , BRICS, November 5-6, 2020, webinar
  306. L. Longo, G. Cherubini, V. Mangé, D. Longo Laser terapia delle lesioni spinali e cerebrali traumatiche: updates Disability
    Care, IITM, Ministero della Salute, Rome, December 3, 2020, webinar


Il Prof. Leonardo Longo è spesso intervistato come Medico Chirurgo esperto in Laserterapia da testate quali RAI, ANSA, Sky, Mediaset, Reuter.

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